I have already spoken on the subject of "value"; respect as a value has a special significance - at least for me.
A discussion is just starting in the functional safety bubble as to whether and how it is possible to shorten or circumvent prescribed paths. The reason for...
People are increasingly asking about prices again, that's my impression.
Patriotismus und Nationalismus greift zusehends um sich, siehe Trump´s America first, die Entwicklungen in Europa - siehe Deutschlands AFD, aber auch Frankreich
when a thing sinks, it can be a boat, a ship, a stone or a living being in a liquid, let's say in the lake or the sea...
das Internet ist auf der einen Seite ein Segen, auf der anderen Seite ein Fluch! Unmengen an Informationen ermöglichen einem die Einblicke, andererseits...
Well, that's an interesting question for me. I haven't really thought about it yet. The son builds such pages and they look quite chic...
Is this becoming more and more or do I just feel it? Increasingly stupidity, ignorance, decadent cluelessness surrounds me, I have the feeling. I feel more...
Aufgeregt habe ich mich, dabei wollte ich das gar nicht. Hatte mir selbst auferlegt, mich nicht mehr aufzuregen, find´ich nämlich doof und ungesund. Ehrlich...
Over the last few weeks, I've read various texts dealing with age discrimination. Does it even exist? and when does it start? is it a new or old familiar patte
My prediction of a shift to the right was once again correct, as the results of the European elections show. The trend can be observed not only in Germany but a
There are scientific reports that forecast summer temperatures in Central Europe - i.e. in a previously declared moderate climate zone - to be 5-7°C higher than
Well, my guesses/ predictions/ forecasts - no matter what we call them - are becoming increasingly real. In addition to the heavy war equipment supplied
a dystopia outlined in the last BLOG, the pieces of the puzzle are increasingly coming together, there is probably a desire in certain circles for a "cleansing
The overall situation is becoming increasingly complex, unclear and confused, and everyone is well advised to remain calm and assess and act with the necessary